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Tooth Extractions

It’s always ideal, of course, to retain your natural teeth. By keeping your teeth, you can smile confidently, eat your favourite foods and maintain optimal oral hygiene. In some cases, however, we may not be able to save your tooth with a root canal treatment, for example. In such a situation, you may need to have the tooth removed.

When an Extraction May Be in Order

Illustration of tooth being extractedHere are some common reasons why an extraction may be recommended:

To determine if an extraction is advisable, we’ll perform an examination and take X-rays.

What to Expect During an Extraction

If you feel nervous about having a tooth removed, rest assured that we’ll keep you comfortable during your entire procedure. The first step is to numb the area surrounding the extraction site.

We won’t begin until you feel you’re ready. Then, we’ll start the extraction process, guided by your X-rays to complete the procedure efficiently. Depending on your situation, we may place sutures. If we do so, they may be dissolvable or you can return to have them removed in about a week.

Providing Sedation Options

You can complete your procedure in total comfort thanks to our sedation dentistry options. If you are extremely nervous or have a more complex extraction, we can provide an anaesthetist to provide deeper sedation.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Contact us today to schedule your appointment for extractions Spearwood. Health fund rebates can be claimed on-site with our HICAPS machine.

* Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Tooth Extractions Spearwood, Coogee, North Coogee WA | (08) 6154 0330